
Showing posts from August, 2012

The Lance Armstrong Case: Pride & Prejudice

The latest developments in the Lance Armstrong case demonstrate, once again, the perennial battle between the rights of the individual athlete and those of the sport. Although the argument has been fully analysed already elsewhere in this blog, the question remains as to whether self-regulation has now exceeded its boundaries and limitations at the expense of another sporting icon: Lance Armstrong. 

Football Agents & Tapping Up: Business As Usual

We could all agree that the increasing commercialisation of sport gives rise to a number of opportunities for a quick profit. Football is not different and its commodification and enormous commercial value have created the basis upon which quick deals could be established and millions of pounds could be exchanged between different parties. The  purposeful and efficient application of the regulatory framework could ensure the elimination of illegal and immoral activities such as 'tapping up'. But is such application always an appropriate deterrent?