Sports Law Analysis on Current Issues

Sports Law Analysis on Current Issues 

Thank you all for the initial comments and your kind wishes regarding my new blog. Your kind words have certainly increased my appetite for further posts regarding this exciting area of law.

It is my intention to critically analyse various current developments in sports law and, where possible, to offer my readers with an insight that would not, otherwise, be available to the public.

As a practitioner and an academic, I am obliged to follow an independent reasoning, without bias and prejudice. As such, it is also my intention to apply this independent view on all matters. All views will be examined, within reason and I hope that this forum could offer you an independent and comprehensive analysis on all current sports law issues.

In the following weeks I shall concentrate on some interesting topics that could possibly change the dynamics of certain areas in sports law. We will, therefore, examine the following:

The Court of Arbitration for Sport - Lausanne, Switzerland
  • The Court of Arbitration for Sport's decision on BOA's appeal regarding its by-law which prohibits the participation, in the Olympic Games, of athletes who have previously been banned for the use of prohibited substances and methods.
  • The several issues that are currently present in the Rangers FC administration matter.
  • Celtic FC's charge on illicit chanting.
  • The rules that punish football managers for misconduct and how such rules may violate the right to free speech.
  • The regulatory framework regarding players' transfers and a critical examination of judicial decisions at FIFA and CAS.
  • A critical analysis of the regulatory framework that governs football agents and an analysis of the numerous FIFA and CAS decisions on football agents.

Agents & Athletes
  • An analysis of gender verification in sport.
  • An examination of the WADA Code and how the case of the Greek sprinters changed both the attitudes of those governing sport and the regulatory framework.
  • Sports Law Litigation
  • A critical analysis of the regulatory framework on broadcasting rights and the involvement of the European Commission.
These are some of the areas that we will examine in the following weeks. I have no doubt that several other aspects would appear in due course. Rest assured that we will touch upon such aspects.

I would encourage you to suggest areas for analysis, produce constructive comments and share your views. This academic forum, would allow us to understand the dynamics of each area under analysis and it would, perhaps, help us appreciate the different legal relationships in the world of sport.

I thank you for your time.

Dr. Gregory Ioannidis
28 April 2012


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